
A special issue of JPR will be published, with Ito, Kashihara, and Kunisato as editors.

The special issue of Japanese Psychological Research, published by the Japanese Psychological Association, will be edited by Masaya Ito (President of our field) and Jun Kashihara and Akihiko Kunisato of the Network Group.


The title of the special issue is “Innovations in Clinical Psychological Science in the Era of Complexity: High-Definition Mental Health Care Through Digital-Human We are soliciting submissions of papers that match our vision of “High-Definition Mental Health Care Through Digital-Human Integration”.

We encourage everyone who is interested in this field to submit a paper.

The deadline for abstracts is August 31, 2023.

If your abstract is accepted, the deadline for full papers is January 31, 2024. Publication is scheduled for 2025.

For more information, please visit the special page of the Japanese Psychological Association.




We look forward to your continued support in our team.