
Dr. Kunisato of the Network Team appeared at the PBT Open Lecture.

Dr. Kunisato of the Network Group participated in the open lecture “Dialogue on Process-based Therapy (PBT)” hosted by Dr. Takashi Muto (Doshisha University) as a designated discussant, and discussed PBT from a computational approach.


This public lecture can be viewed free of charge via on-demand streaming.

You can also watch the keynote lecture “Overview of Process-Based Therapy” by Dr. Kashihara of the Network Group on the on-demand streaming page.

Please watch it as well.


「Process-Based therapy(PBT)をめぐるダイアログ」


1)イントロダクション:武藤 崇(同志社大学)

2)基調講演:樫原 潤 先生 (東洋大学)
―Process-Based Therapyの全体像

3)指定討論的な対談1:三田村 仰先生(立命館大学)

4)指定討論的な対談2:石川 信一先生(同志社大学)

5)指定討論的な対談3:国里 愛彦先生(専修大学)
